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How to Drive Stories that Matter Through Data

2018-03-19 | Post By: Dontaye Carter

Every good blog starts with a great conversation. 

My blog started with breakfast with a great friend of mine, Lawton Chiles. He's a guy who is not only talented in the marketing industry, but also challenges my thoughts constantly about the industry and the results that I provide for my clients. I work in the Public Relations industry, but I specialize in getting to the heart of a company's story. But what does that mean if the company doesn't see a return on investment? It. Means. Nothing.  

America recognizes Marvel Studios as great storytellers. We know from watching every Marvel movie since Iron Man that the films remain faithful to the comics. Marvel knows they have great writers because Black Panther had a $200-million budget but to date has earned over one billion dollars. Each movie has brought in substantial returns.

It's the Disney (the parent company) way. The 2013 film, Frozen, had a $150-million budget and returned $1.2-billion.

The same method applies to athletes, politicians, businessman and woman, and investors. That's why Hollywood will continue to create movies based on the lives that have changed this world because stories matter. However, it's not enough to say, "I have a great story." It must be measured and tested. The results of data determine the effectiveness of that story.

Results have always mattered. But we live in a day and age where our work is easily measured. Social Media tracks how many people liked, commented, viewed or were reached by a specific post. Google measures how often your website is visited and which webpage is accessed most. Mail chimp can tell you how often your recipients open your emails. If at any time, the numbers drop or plateau for an extended period- it’s time to re-evaluate your message and your story.